
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Monday, January 29, 2007


Heres a good one.. MS Red worked for a charity shop part time manager (paid), the shop rather than make her full time, employed another manager. Friend arrives one day, the shop is covered in post it notes, some saying DONT TOUCH THIS others, DONT MOVE THIS...she cant open the shop in this state, so she goes to the head office and resigns on the spot , when asked why she said "cos this new woman is clearly mad..." but she's told the new woman is very qualified and efficient and will make the charity lots of money...goodbye..... six months latter. Woman is in court for defrauding thousands and the charity is basically destroyed.

Management don't you love em!

The wife bumped into someone from her former work, it seems they have given the sack to the nice boss now as "not aggressive enough for my team"... which is complete bullshit worship of the first order. Do customer services have to be "aggressive".. So how they are going to manage without the two people who actually did the work i cant imagine...I so fuckin' hope they go under they don't deserve to succeed.

Friday, January 26, 2007


Humm Fiveman just bought a wrong'un. a Pony for the smaller girls to ride. Its so far kicked the stable to bits, escaping to run down the road and kicked my friend across the field... she's had to pay for it to go to livery stable to get it out of the way and when she approached the former "Sweet girl" owner and told her it wasn't suitable she got shouted at and lied to, when she said it may have to be destroyed she got shrugs from the formerly loving owner... I'm not surprised the horse people round here seem to be a heartless lot... people who try to control people take to horses so they can dominate them.......

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Ohh dear had a call from Godbotherer. She had a summons from the court to recover over paid tax credits from three years ago. This was a time when she was daft with money and had in tow her then Potato like Boy friend. He simply didn't fill in a form to declare more hours working and, well its a bill for £800 three years latter. We had to calm her down she was frantic. Last year she went bankrupt owning £27k and she really don't have any money now.... Typically the court letter, received today, had a demand to contact them by tomorrow and the wrong phone number on it! She going to "dob in" the Potato who's living with his new girl friend in another town. They are both equally liable though, but he didn't go bankrupt she did, he's still we think avoiding his stupid debts.


Ohh dear had a call from Godbotherer. She had a summons from the court to recover over paid tax credits from three years ago. This was a time when she was daft with money and had in tow her then Potato like Boy friend. He simply didn't fill in a form to declare more hours working and, well its a bill for £800 three years latter. We had to calm her down she was frantic. Last year she went bankrupt owning £27k and she really don't have any money now.... Typically the court letter, received today, had a demand to contact them by tomorrow and the wrong phone number on it! She going to "dob in" the Potato who's living with his new girl friend in another town. They are both equally liable though, but he didn't go bankrupt she did, he's still we think avoiding his stupid debts.

Sunday, January 21, 2007


Despite myself ive almost made our son a "cabinet of curiosities".... been doing the crackle paint today.

Friday, January 19, 2007


I was just chatting to the local copper, he said the rumour has spread far and wide and expanded way past our lone address. He expressed an uncharitable opinion on those that have spread it all...

Funny how things go round though, our friend heard the rumour at work (wife's former work) and it was told him by a rather aggressive and stupid Yorkshireman who said his wife (obviously his equal) phoned the police station and they confirmed that Carr lived in the town!... i asked the copper about that and he run naked down the high street if anyone at the station had actually said that...

Weezy told me..."oh yes its true i heard two guys saying it in the street".... such low criterion for authenticity ah...

Been making things today, a "cabinate of curiosities" for our son, cutting out a bird to go on the top and a swag to go at the bottom im quite pleased with it so far...

Wednesday i managed to nail my shoe to my foot in the shed, not intentionally you understand, but a galvanised nail went deep in the sole of my foot thro my saddles. had to peel it off and i limped round with blood sticking my foot to saddle all day. Well today i went to the doctor to see if i needed a tetanus jab, and i don't. Say a jolly young be-suited but un-tied Doctor.

For some reason the wife has decided to apply for a job as a part time temporary Data Input Clerk...and arse end poor pay job in an arse end village. Why she thinks this is a good idea i haven't a clue. I cant keep nagging her all fucking day to get organised can i?..... she will end up with a really crap last ditch job at this rate.

The tale of BeeGee. Len my old mate who carved fairground horses etc had a mate, who would turn up occasionally, totally out of the blue.Tall pockmarked, sandy haired, hatchet faced he worked always for dodgy courier companies. every time he would turn up in a different beaten up van, rusty dented and smoking. His van would limp up outside and he would tumble out whistling a cheerful tune and sit and drink coffee with Len. BeeGee however had reasons for his chosen profession, and his cheeriness. BeeGee was a serial philanderer a cad of the first water. The courier job a cover for working the whole country, mining it for skirt like a professional. He had lady's in a lot of places, a morning in one and a screw and them off to delver the love elsewhere. No lady would be under any illusion that they were in for anything but a good screw and no commitment. According to Lenie BeeGee also harboured a penis of huge proportions and an apatite for naughty sex to match. Id say the penis probably gave him huge and sparkling confidence. Len told me of one of his lady friends in Scotland. He was apparently in a pub and he picked up a lady all clad in black. She was thus dressed not for sexy reasons but as she was an undertaker, in partnership with her husband. Not only did he bonk her senseless when ever up in Scotland but its seems she had kinks that made me wonder about her profession. They would fuck in a coffin, eventually.... the foreplay though was even more exotic though no less "deathy". her husband had constructed a special coffin, one with doors in it. She would lay inside it, still, and the doors offered access to her body.... people are so strange ah?

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Odd happening here!.. i wandered back in from the shed, and wife was half dressed and stumbling about with a bleeding toe. I inquired what was up and she said "There's a police man outside that want to talk to me"....confusion reigned as to how the wife could attract the attention of a copper while in the bath, cut her toe and now be running round requesting underpants... apparently she was in the bath and a persistent knocking was heard at the door...eventually she went down to the door in a towel and the plain clothes copper when appraised of the situation said he would wait ... so she got dressed. he was let in.... and the odd story was unfolded... the coppers had heard a rumour that Maxine Carr was resident in this street and not only in this street but in OUR HOUSE! (and also three other addresses in the street)... He said "She isn't in this street or this house, we know that, but we have to inform you that there might be the odd strange incident"... He's given us a number to quote and said if anything your not happy about happens phone 999 quote this number and we will send a car immediately.....

Its a persistent rumour round here that Maxine Car is in the area..usually some remote village. Though quite what people want to do with her is a mystery....

Monday, January 15, 2007


I'm not feeling so good.Physically i feel fat and slothfull. Mentally i feel like nothing is worth doing. I'm working on a tiny automaton for a friend, don the box and figure is to come but its slow work. Part of it is feeling abandoned by Mr Handy. Last week i went to visit and didn't even see him, he was fiddling with his "killer Ap"...which i still view as fantasy. We used to chat and he knows so much about most anything i found it inspirational. Part of it is having the wife around, she's not made any move to find a job and i can see it being a rush and another desasterious decision at the last moment. I get so tired of having to keep everything going, just normal things like getting our son to school on time, it seems that im the only one aware of the time and how long it takes to get there. I want him to have time to play with his mates at school before class, but it seems immaterial to wife. I also have to nag to get him to bed on time..

Sunday, January 14, 2007


Today the wife bought a little alarm clock in Tesco's for under a quid, put the battery's in set the time and half an hour latter noticed it was in fact running backwards!.... which s an odd thing to see indeed. I took the battery out and it stopped, put the battery back and it ran normally. And Omen?.....sinister or what (literally sinister!)

Thursday, January 11, 2007


This morning Robert Anton Wilson died. Im quite upset by this, i never knew him and quite honestly thought a lot of his writing was tripe and too "Californian".. but way back i read "Illuminatus" mainly it was the sex bits that kept me going through it, i must admit. But it made me think that maybe the world wasn't quite as i was told. Before that Eric von Daniken pushed open some doors in my mind (and yes i know most everything he wrote was crap)But Illuminatus opened it all up. I remember a bit on telly about a play based on the books and went out to buy them soon after. I realised that i didn't have to believe what i was told or indeed believe what i believed, if it didn't suit/or match my needs of the moment.

Monday, January 08, 2007


Well i went... arrived, keen to get out of the house, early for my usual run up procedure. So i wandered around town for an hour. Getting more and more nervy. Eventually i negotiated my way to the start of my "runup" go to Superdrug buy mouth wash.. go to toilet and was mouth... walk a certain way (so i cant swerve off) Got there, sent in almost straight away...its not the smart bird but a rather bloky bloke, very friendly and jolly... wizzed round my mouth, prodded the Fuji in my back tooth, SEVEN minuets and i was OUT..back in six months. Walking on air again....Widscreen wiper broke on the car in the rain had to drive back half peering thro water and stopping to wipe it off occasionally....

last night i saw Mrs FoxyFox.... a vixen that is spotted one the back road into town for at least the last five years, but i hadn't seen her for months so we worried she had met a 4x4 on dark night, but no she's still around! (she's got half a huge bushy tail, so she's very identifiable)

And wife didn't get the job..she would have been good at it and the lady on the phone asked if it was Ok to keep her in mind if anything else came up. And said that she had done a very good interview, and they would love to work with her..

Sunday, January 07, 2007


God im nervious about tomorrow's dentist. I know its not a big thing but it really gets to me. Ive sepnt all day being tetchy, wife went out with son to give me some space. trouble is she then went and saw Chemical Ali and arranged a curry. Just what i didn't want, sometimes i just wonder if she knows me at all. I just wanted to be left alone, instead i got Godbotherer, chemical ali and wife and son and a curry.

I don't know if its normal but when im worried the whole thing becomes a problem. getting to the appointment is a huge step, just physically making it there. Then there's not throwing up or passing out when there... im sure there's some name for the syndrome, but im convinced i will become physically ill there or before. Then there's the metal on teeth thing they do.... and the examination. Im convinced that nothing about me bears examination, not even my teeth. There's one tooth she always digs about convinced she will do it this time.

I'm seriously contemplating not going, maybe phone wife to phone them and say the car's broken down on the way. imagin life without this every six months. i had that for over 15 years before and it was worth it.

Saturday, January 06, 2007


I phoned Dotty, wanting to go round and deliver her Sloe gin. But she said as its raining there's no where to sit in her van. She sits one side, the dog sits the other everywhere else is full of her things she sells. We will go one day son is back at school i hope. She told me of the "bastards" letter. The lady who receives her post got it at xmas opened it (on Dotty's instructions, The Bastards always use a prissy printed address sticker) she said its was "nasty" and burned it, again to protect Dotty. And she said if another arrives she will send a not known back... I said "are they not satisfied with the evil they have wreaked?" Dottys said Our friends house sprouted a SOLD sticker and how its back on the market again... god i hope they got well screwed around on that!..

Friday, January 05, 2007


Late on Thursday wife opened the email application form... it said on it to be mailed back by the second (though wife swears on the phone they said fourth) Typically the wife in a flat spin, slows right down to a crawl in everything. It drives me mad and i get all unhelpfull, wondering if just saying nothing and letting her mess about is a lesson learning process for her. It probably isn't, she just gets madder and madder> accusing Hotmail of not working properly as she presses seemingly random buttons. It drove me mental that she lost some of our email to "The Bastards" through not knowing what she was doing and not following my instructions. Anyway with some intervention from me she got the form filled for the job. She tried to hid the covering mail but i saw she told them she was sending it a second time as she thought maybe it hadn't gone on the second of fed....lier!... Anyway she got a phone call dinner time to come for an Interview today.... She went and got on very well with them, she now has gon from not being bothered to really wanting the job. Its a young persons mental health charity.

We waited for a call this afternoon (they said they would say this afternoon or monday)...nothing..Chemical Ali phoned to see how it had gone.

If she should get it we would be "quids in".... a dream, and dreams don't come true.

Ive got that Dentist next week feeling".. sort of under lieing panic. Inability to do much....sigh

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Off to big town to get some small bit of wood. Against my want, i went and made appointment with dentist for check up next Monday, i reminded wife, im a fool, should have just left it.

Wife phoned the other lady from the office, the Yorkshire idiot is indeed back. She pretty pissed off about it, the Bully has said to her "there's big changes about to happen round here" which fits right in with his bullying character. She takes it that wife's former immediate boss, who is actually rather good, is for the high jump and maybe the Bully will take his place!

Chemical Ali phoned, usual null chatter.

Monday, January 01, 2007


Off to a mainly empty and shut town. Got cold and wet.

Wife told me a little more of Dotty's phone call yesterday, she said Dotty had another letter from "The bastards", though i think Dotty was referring to one she got ages ago. Anyway her friend who takes her post read it and burnt it telling Dotty that it didn't need to worry her...and if she got any others that she was going to send it back as "not known"..