
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Saturday, June 30, 2007


The wife's having a giggle at her temp job, one of her tasks is to send out threatening letters to non payers, not only students but corporate customers who hire the Halls etc. One she sent out was to a former "Job From Hell" Accountant who's offices used to be in three towns in the city centres and now had a box room on an industrial estate and to top that is now getting threatening letters, printed out by the wife.... oh how we laughed!

Friday, June 29, 2007


I dispare of friends sometimes i really do. One asked me what sort of computer they ought to buy, so i went through it with them and recommended maybe the cheapest Dell with more memory...i recommended thus..

3000+ mhz processor
1 megs or more memory (much more for Vista)
80 or more megs HD
19" flat screen
Mouse without a rollerball to clean

what did they get on "advice" from their IT friend ?(who comes round and charges them to fix their decrepit old computer! some friend!) They 'kin went to PC World and bought a more expensive Laptop with less memory and slower processor.. then asked me why it was slow (its got freekin' vista on it and NORTON strangling it) Its not got word on it, or any freebies at all.......when i pointed out you could get a Word compatable WP off the net free and legally, they said oh i think we should buy it its easier! (its a £100 fer crisake!)..And free virus protection and fire wall (oh that too complicated to do).. Oh and they are going for a BT internet thing, like that guy advertises on telly. the idea was to save money on calls but now they are going to pay more for everything in one lump!....

And i know why they didn't take my advice... i'm not a "professional" my opinion is worth less than their mate who's an It "Professional" and of course i do things for them FOR FREE so i cant be worth listening to!...

Friday, June 22, 2007


Last Week Our son was playing in the playground after school, happily swinging on the suspended tyre. When a girl arrived and proceeded to swing it very fast, he wanted to get off, she wouldn't let him (i learn after) and he ended up bursting into which point i ran over and rescued him, just as the girl was calling him a "cry baby"...I'm ever aware that something can stick with you for ever at his age, so i took him back to the seat and had a word, told him that he should keep away from the "rough girl" and that he could see how dangerous she was being and he was very sensible to want it to stop...I had no idea who her parent was, and her parent it turned out was sitting almost next to me! She didn't say anything (she's one of them dippy born agains)... anyway yesterday our son was again in the park and so was the "rough girl".. and quite sensibly he kept well away. She however got on the tyre and spun it so fast all i saw was her exiting the tyre horizontally and landing with a mighty thud spread-eagled on the ground...I started to run to her but her mum (i now discovered who she was!) got there first, poor girl skinned both knees, elbows and her chin... she was checked out in casualty and was at school today fine... but Karma ah...

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


The wife started a temp job at our old art collage today and just rang and says its nice to work there... she was under instructions to walk out if it wasn't!

Oh and she's discovered one of the secretary's we knew is still there...a nice lady of a certain age that back when i were a young student, at the leaving do, asked for a kiss......i went in for a peck on the cheek and she went for it and snogged my face off, sticking her tongue down my throat!... unfortunately the now wife was there....but in was in there!

Monday, June 18, 2007


Overheard in the Spar shop....

Checkout lady : (to a young girl) "Why arn't you in school?"
Girl: "I been at the police station...."
Checkoutlady: "WHAT! why?"
Girl: "Someone knicked my mobile in Argos the other day....."
Checkoutlady: "And?...."
Girl: " They 'ad me looking at the CCTV turns out my best friend knicked it...."

Saturday, June 16, 2007


Went round for our lad to play with mutual friends daughter and friends lad. Outside there was a different car, tatty, pink fur worn out wheel cover, maybe i should have known, Drunken dad was there delivering the lad, with his new wife. She looks rough and chavy he looks tired and oddly fat now. I guess now he eats more and drinks less. He sort of ignored me, maybe even probably he read the statements about how useless he is/was....

Yesterday we bumped into NoMan the gardener. He looks fine, long beard always with his pull along bag on wheels. We talked about our friends house and its oddly empty state.

Its been one of them days when the wife seems caught in amber, or at least treacle. Only dimly aware of the time passing she's kept our lad out of bed far too long and he will be hell tomorrow..maybe it was the Gin And Tonic she had at Mutual Friends. Mutual friends partner The Prof seemed very odd today, sort of tired and grumpy, their daughter too was "difficult" shrieking and acting like she wasn't quite in touch with reality, maybe she's heading for another epileptic fit?

Do you know i come from a different planet from most of you?....a different time....

A time before Growbags. When milk came in slim elegant bottles, delivered early in the morning from rattling electric trucks. Before contact lenses, before normal people had phones (and those with real wires too!) or indeed cars. A time when gun crime was sawn off shotguns in a bank raid in the news or discussed in hushed tones on Police Five. When "terrorists" were all Irish. When trains ignored leaves on the line but often ran late and were Blue. When Spain was far far away, and a Taxi was a black cab between a museum and the station in central London. When Panoram had specials about Heroin. When a Mars bar attracted 25 VAT tax but a twix didnt! When there was for no reason a sugar shortage one week. When Porn was a magazine in W H Smiths. When i could buy two paper back books with my pocket money.

Friday, June 08, 2007


The wife met her old manager from work, the one they got rid of soon after her... Its very curios but he had been there for about three months and rather oddly they paid him off (when they could have just sacked him, so they must have been shit scared of being sued?), he walked straight into a job in the employment agency.... he said the reason they gave for "letting him go" was he wasn't aggressive enough with his staff. And as his staff consisted of the wife..... by implication he wasn't aggressive enough to my misses! his comment was that he didn't like they way they were treating her and he wasn't going to add to it...

The whole implication was he was paid off so he wouldn't become a witness for the wife in any court action...None of this makes any busyness sense at all...mystified.

Went out to visit Fivemum, she's well and as usual we bitched about everything. She got a small job looking after a lady with emphysema, she drinks and smokes round her oxygen mask, poor woman. Last week Fivemum had to rush round as she wasn't feeling well and found her sitting drenched in piss, which she had been for probably a couple of days....Five mum called the doctor and thankfully they sorted her out some help getting dressed and fed, more importantly the poor woman needs someone to talk to even if its for a few minuets a day...Fivemum said as she took off her drenched nightdress she could hear most of the village going off to a dance along the road... so much for a close nit community.

The lady who shares looking after the lady has a sick husband. He is a driving instructor and one day driving along the dual carriageway he felt and awful pain in his lower head/neck and pulled onto the hard shoulder. Suddenly he wasn't looking at the road but his vision had somehow reverted to two weeks before and he saw people sitting round his home kitchen table. Diagnosed with a Brain tumour now.... i don't know if they are treating it or just waiting for him to die...

Thursday, June 07, 2007


Bumped into Mutual friend in Asda this morning. She had a rodent trauma, she had two Russian hamsters.... now she has one. One died in the night and the other eat its face off! Her daughter noticed it was dead, luckily she didn't see it facial condition just that "Poppy is dead!"

Went to Mr Handys, their idiot downstairs people had a police raid the other day, unfortunately they seem to be both still not in prison.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


One of the Mums told me something interesting today. There were five cop cars at the tiny industrial estate at her end of our road. Rumour... I told you about the Chav girl killed on the bypass, she was in a car apparently racing another car and left the road at high speed. The other car has never been found, it is said that it was taken to the Bike mechanics shed on the estate and being unregistered, disappeared by being taken apart.

HAHAHHAHAHhh new reaches me that the bullying Yorkshire guy from wife's old office has signed up with an employment agency... unfortunately for him the guy given his file to handle is the guy who got fired due to him "reporting" to the boss about every little thing he did..... he said "i'm buggered if i'm going to inflict that idiot on anyone else"....

I just heard why he's looking for work, and it does get better! After loosing/paying to get rid of three people because of their strange regard for the bully. They decided he would be best utilised in the upstairs office, where his immediate boss rumbled him almost immediately. Now he's given to extravagant gestures, and upset one day he walked up to the new boss and said he wanted to resign over some silly thing. So the boss waves him away saying, put it in writing, he went back to his desk and dashed off a hasty "I resign" letter and handed it to him.......the next day he's back and saying he didn't mean it, but i'm sure with a twinkle in his eye, the boss told him... he couldn't as it was now in writing and couldn't be rescinded, nothing he could do sorry i'd love to but.... your off funny thing is the guys such a bullshitter, he didn't recognise the ocean of bullshit the boss was handing him to eat...

Saturday, June 02, 2007


hay.... power to the people!.... had lots of trouble with the pub down the road previously, and in fact most of the street got together and had the landlord removed by the licensing authority. Anyway the "new" landlady announced she was going to be good... but tonight its be very loud, so being available to be irritated and pretty unsympathetic to the pub i just phoned the licensing people to leave a complaining message on their answering machine. (which is usual at this time of night and at the week end). Surprise surprise i got a human!.. standing in the bathroom i let him hear the din, he said it was indeed very loud and he got their licence out and said can i check if the windows are open, as their licence says they have to be closed... so with me walk round phone i went outside, they were indeed wide open, and they had a big banner over the door, The new management welcomes you.... few min's latter he phoned me back, he's phoned the pub and told them to turn it down and shut the windows (its pretty warm here too) but he was pretty pissed off with them as they had put the phone down on him before he could "give them a bollocking".... he said if its still noisy after ten leave a message for them and they will "get on the case" on Monday... he didn't sound all that pleased about their attitude at all......currently the noise is reduced but still dammed loud!

I dont care if they boil in there in fact i hope they do...and if we have to bankrupt another landlord then...we will.

Been out to a garden show, Ms Fearful was there on the Green centre stand flogging very expensive weedy plants. She told me she was having a seat memorial made for our friend. To go up the top of the old church yard, out of recycled wood. Which she would have hated preferring a more Gothic approach. I said "oh she would like that..."... noticing i said it as if she were still alive, Fearful smiled and nodded.