
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Friday, December 30, 2005


Got the stove, gawd its a bigun. Next door had to help us carry it in. It swell rusty but rust always looks worse than it realy is. Bigest trouble is bottom door is rusted shut. Got a back boiler too.

Wife checked the mails, so im not going to now....

Thursday, December 29, 2005


Been in concreating firplace while wife and son were out. Seeing about a stove, all seem to expensive to aford but...just now Hippie chick and gothman came round, i moaned about stoves, and turns out his mum is moveing and there an old squirel stove in her garden, less glass and with a fern growing out of it. Im waiting for him to phone, see if its ok to take it.

once again i must look at the emails, and my heart is thumping.... no nothing..... i wonder if they are going to take almost three weeks to cook somthing up like last time... i bet they start off with acuseing us of leaveing the house uninsured... but then they havent told us who insures it have they...

Tuesday, December 27, 2005


Cold day. The mornings frost hasnt lifted all day, we havent been out, just removeing the backboiler. Im resolved to look at the emails today. In fact i will do it now and see what awaits me, my heart is thumping now.... smoke me a kipper i'll be back for breakfast.

Nope nothing, i was rather hopeing so. But part of me wondered if a very intemperate response might be agood thing to recive. I hope "they" read it before christmas, how evil of me. I bet hes not responding without consulting his "secret legal advisor".....

Monday, December 26, 2005

Monday. boxing day

Up at five for our son opening what santa bought , he veyr pleased with his new watch that goes bleep and lights up. The navy helicopter flew past with sant a waveing too down the valley...

Went to Mutual friend for tea. Wife had chat with her in kitchen, shes sen the confidential report from the Childcatcher. Seen she made up her mind at the very begining and the lad poor kid is to go to the drunken father acordign to her report. The report contains lies from "them" too, things like mutual friend ordering them out of our friends house! which never occured!.... Fuck they really really are excrable people. Shes going to write a report of her own refuteing each point hopefully the judge will see whos lieing or at least have less confidence in the Childcatcher, tho it seems lost. The grandfathers lies are also writen into it. Also it seems to repeat "them" saying that the Will is unsafe.... Interesting as we have asked them to make a statement saying its not, and that we will make sure the Childcatcher sees that .... where in this world do honest people win?

The Childcatcher sugests that Mutual friend applies for a contact order. As mututal friend points out she hasnt any powere over the lad now, what his drunken father haveign parental rights, so what is the point of her satndign by watching what is going to happen? She cant stop anything she cant step in at any time, it would be just cruelty. Im afried Drunken father will have to fly alone, i cant bring myself to let our lad see all that is to come.

Today we have been at Armchairs and Mrs gardeners for tea with Godbotherer and her son whos 20 now and i remember when he was nothing but a romour in the collage common room. had a nice time with Armchair spending ages enteratining our son.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Saturday, xmas eve

this is what we sent back...... and by post this morning..

Dear ******,

Checking my contemporaneous notes made immediately after you phone call on 9/11/05, what you said, several times, each time accompanied by the assurance that it “was not a threat” and that it “was nothing personal” was if you did not have the will in your hands by Friday you would be writing to all the creditors telling them that we were holding up probate unreasonably so that we would get sued personally.
Which is why we sent you the e-mail, the same night, stating what we thought your position on the subject was and asking you to correct us if we were wrong.
I’m not sure what else you could have meant by it, but I’m glad to finally hear from you that that is not what you meant.
Of course you could have cleared the matter up during the phone call, as I did repeat back to you what I took to be the meaning of your “not a threat” i.e. that you were going to write to the creditors telling them they should sue us. Which (me dear reader) heard me do.
Please send us copies of letters you have sent to any creditors and the dates you sent them.

As to not sharing your legal advice with us. Our position remains the same. (Will solicitor) is a well-respected firm in the area, they are giving us clear advice that if you are fighting the will in anyway we cannot go to probate without very serious consequences. I.e. we would have to ask the courts to remove you. If you wish us to ignore their advice in favour of your secret advisors then you will have to tell us who it is and exactly what the advice is.
The objection has not changed. The problem with using the same solicitor as (drunken father) was that it gave you the appearance of supporting his challenge to the Testamentary Guardians. It now appears that you & (Mrs *****) have both told the (family court) reporting officer that you believe the will to be unsafe and that you, *****, support (drunken fathers’) guardianship. We sent you a copy of the letter she sent and an e-mail explaining what our concerns were and that we would be contacting her to seek clarification. And after I had spoken to her and our concerns were increased we immediately contacted you to ask you to consider reserving power whilst you clarified your position, so as not to hold up probate.
You have chosen not to do that, so all we can say to you is that unless the legal advice we get changes we cannot go to probate until you make your position clear.
We are not being obstinate, the position has not changed, in fact if anything it appears to have worsened. After all employing (drunken fathers solicitor) could have been a coincidence, though they should have explained the implications to you and it doesn’t reflect very well on them if they didn’t.
As for you insistence that all correspondence is confidential, are you suggesting that we cannot seek legal advice?

If you are treating our replies as confidential, then please feel free to share them with your legal adviser, as we are not being difficult for the sake of it. We are doing what we believe to be legally correct and morally right. As far as we are concerned this does not have to be an adversarial situation. We are only refusing to act on your “higher” legal advice as you are refusing to tell us what it is and where it comes from.
We have been open with you about the legal advice we are being given, and as far as we are aware (Will solicitor) have been giving you the same advice as they have been giving us.

We did not respond to your announcement that you were writing to the Law Society to ask for a list of solicitors as it did not appear to be a question. We took it to be a statement of intent and we had no objection to your doing it. However we would appreciate a copy of the letter, as we are now wondering what it is you have asked them.

We are baffled as to what it is that you want the independent solicitor to do?

If it is to handle the probate application then does this mean that you are prepared to make an unequivocal statement to the effect that you & (mrs *****) believe the will to be a true statement of (Our friends) wishes made whilst she was of sound mind? And that you support the testamentary guardians? And that you have no intentions of fighting (our friends) wishes either now or in the future? And are you are prepared to copy (family court) in on this statement?

As if that is the case then why do we need a solicitor to handle the probate? Since it would clear up the appearance of your fighting the will, which is the only thing holding up probate.
And if it is not the case then surely the Solicitor will refuse to act for us unless you reserve power? As you appear to be fighting (Our friends) wishes.

Or are you suggesting that the independent solicitor should give us advice on whether or not we can go for probate in the present circumstances?

In which case we already have a solicitor we trust, you trust your legal advisor, would it not be simpler and cheaper just to let them share their legal expertise?


(the wife and I)

Just to steamline that it says

Your a Lier and we all know that to be true.
Your a legal idiot if you think that "secret" advice thing floats.
We ant you to state that you have lied and now change your mind, to us and the courts.
We dont trust you as far as we could throw the moon.

Im sure all this will draw even more fire down on us, but, lets hope he reads it today and he thinks about it all tommorow.... personaly im not looking at the emails for few days.

Always good to feel like your shooting back ah.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Friday. Xmas eve, eve.

Endured Asda this morining. Twas hell really. Wife went latter after her work stoped at 12 and got rest of stuf.

Been discussing the reply to "thier" letter... oh its going to be a doozy.... and end with requesting a statement from them (bothof them as im suspecting that she dont know what a mess hes got them into) saying that our friends was of sound mind when she made the Will, they are not chalengeing the Will in anyway, now or in the future.....

Thursday, December 22, 2005


oh well couldnt last, they sent another letter.... again not admitting anything and claiming they didnt threaten us on the phone and they chaged solicitors not for any legal reasons just they didnt need them... very odd that since they said they had changed for that reason... and we are being "intransigent" and therfore neglecting our duties. And trying finacial pressure, are we going to pay the mortgage etc.... nastly little fuckers.

I kept the news of the latest comunication from the wife till she got home, one of us rageing is enough. Shal i quote some of it? ...

"I dont understand the point of your e-mail. I dint say you hadnt writen since my phone call ...(yes we wrote three times you git)...but that you hadnt responded to my proposal ie to erelease the Will or, as we we've (sic) reached an impasse, to apoint an indipendent solicitor..(fuck you mate, we wanted to knwo if youd done as you threatened not any other bollox you said)... Ive no intention of sharing my legal advice (!!!!) with you. Everything i tell you gets passed on to other people. (sorry is everything you say a secret then and were not soposed to ask the Will solicitor about your latest madnesses?) I should remind you that all matters to do with the estate and, therfore correspondence, are legally confidential. (news to us and im sure the legal profession)... I did write to the creditors as i said i would. If i say i will do soemthing then i do. (but not as you told our dieing friend, respect her wishes).. However. I never once said that i would sugest that they sue you (you fucking did but your too clever to say so in writeing)....... lots more bollox..... You have no reason to refuse to release the Will to me. (oh yes we do twat) If you do there is no option, but to apoint an indipendant solicitor> I am in no way in breach of the conditions of the Will. (yes you are unles the court childcatcher is lieing) However , I should think that your intransigence certaily consitutes contempt of your positions as executors. How do you intend to settle the insurance, creditors bills and mortgage due at Christmas?. I can prove that i have done everything possible to do so .Can you?"

We have every reason not to release the will git faced cunt.... i hope you rot in hell, for the lack of respect for our friend and her child. Needless to say, we will address his letter with some questions and a request for a statement from both of them saying that they are not contesting the Will now or in the furture..i might just add in the past maybe?.. that means they call the Childcatcher a lier.... interesting

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Hay i skipped a day, getting reckless. Since "they" are again not answering questions... So nothing much happened yesterday. Son went with school to panto, for last day of school before xmas...

Today i had to endure A visit to Chemical Ali's and its attendant extraction after, only and hour and a half after i started makeing really heavy hints like...OK WE MUST GO...NOW!... i dont knwo what but the wife goes all limp, even tho im saying OK LETS GO NOW.. every few seconds. Once i even just walked out and started the car, if she'd ben a few seconds slower she woudl ahev been walking home. Chemical Ali isnt a bad guy, hes actuly very nice. Just awfuly "normal" and he hates being on his own so he hangs onto any visiter lie glue> When i mentioned our son liked Star Wars he put on a DVD of one film and kept saying its only ten minets left even tho i know that wasnt true...sigh.

Monday, December 19, 2005


Wife was telling me of Godbotherer. She been a naughty lady!... slept with her ex, despite not wanting to and went out danceing and had a one night stand. Both unprotected, how stupid im going to have to have a serious talk with her. Luckly shes not pregnant this time. And tests willing not anything worse.

Did i tell you what the solicitor said to me about Social workers?.. he said if he collected them all in a room and mechien gunned them the world would be a better place. I can only agree.

Ah some things make u feel good even in the midst of awfulness. Just got a card saying some net friends had had a whip round and bought me a substriction to "probably" the worlds best magazine, which ive been unable to afford for the last few months.... cheers friends!

Sunday, December 18, 2005


No messages, maybe "they " take the week end off too lol, cant be evil all the time i sopose. Put up some xmas decorations, as usual my tasteful tree (white studded with red flower lights) got made taste free by our boy and wife.... I tried to make some things to sell for the gallery but my hearts not even slightly in it, i gave up.

Went to visit Godbotherer, She was dipressed she cant aford a tree. We drove past a garden center and bought her a potted tree ten quid!.. we cant do that too often but it made her happy so it was worth it. Shes haveing a hard time copeing with working full time seemingly just to keep going backwards finacialy, her boy (17) has moved back too and seems to be slipping back into his old ways. His no good friends dragging him down, sad.

Saturday, December 17, 2005


Sent off the printed email in the post to "them" as they have a tendancy to claim they havent recived letters.... (so far only once from Mutual friend, but if they do that to them, we cant be far behind)... And letter to me Dad.

Been out xmas shopping tho i dont honestly feel very Merry. God people are buying the most awful crap at xmas, why is it a taste free zone.

Friday, December 16, 2005


Phoned the Will Solicitor, nice chap was otherwise ocupied but phoned back and chatted. Yes we are doing the right thing, they are in the wrong, the Childcatcher shouldnt probably have told Mutual friend that she was going to recomend the father take the lad and probably shouldnt have sent anything saying that "they" oppsoed the will and is probably trying to back track heavily (maybe hence the call to "them" saying she hadnt talked to us...)

No emails.... suprise suprise, were pushign them to admit they threatened us on the phone, and that would mean they had to admit to something that just dont match thier "reality" of themselves. I sopsoe its dificult to look at yourself when your real soul is so balck that you probably dont show up in a mirror....

Anyway Will solicitor said hes off on holiday tonight till january 3rd (i asked, anywhere nice, he paused and repllyed..."no".. sounds like he has his own sad story there).. Anyway he said way to proceed was push for answers. And ask for a Signed statement from both of them saying "they are not contesting the Will in anyway either now or in the furture".. if we havent got that by January, we have to ask the Probate court for a ruleing on weather they can continue as executors, but the probate court may not want to get involved. But it covers us legaly.

meanwhile i was an answer to the threats he made on the phone, the wife added to the email tho, asking if they now could share thier "higher legal " advice .... i mena now they have climbed down form haveing the same soclicitor as the father.... interesting little twist there.

Got a parcel from Mum In Law. Xmas pressies and a ratty looking teddy. Wife went all misty eyed when she say it. i asumed it was something MinL's fairly loopy friend had bought for our Son at a car boot. No its was blueblue (or more generaly known as BooBoo but apparently his secret name was Blueblue...!) A speciel bear, her dad made it when hes was in hospital. he was a Royal Engineer, and got a blood desease in some hell hole jungle, which lead to severil strokes and after a few years he died from it. Anyway he made two, one big brown one and one little fluffy blue one, he told his daughters to take their pick, knowing how her older sister was, the wife looked loveingly at the big brown one, while wantign the blue one, so true to form the sis had the big brown one.... poor chap one week makeing bridges fo rthe army the next teddy bears. Wife loves Blueblue. But i insisted we wash him , hes drying on the radiater now.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Thursday. double shit

oh well. Mutual friend phoned, shes talked to the Childcatcher. Childcatcher said she is going to recomend that the lad goes to his father, thats without consulting all the sources. So that fine then... We have done our best , we cant fight it now. Hes here now makeing a Darlek out of foil and selotape, poor bugger, he has no idea about what life will be like with his dad. He just knows the Holiday bits, one hopes the lad just dont get dumped one day when hes playing up, cos i know he can be dificult...

And an email from "them" suprise suprise, i wouldnt have looked if id expected it. i now am vibrateign with rage at it, i feel sick and worried. As usual "they" havent answered any of the questions, just reiterated thier own reality. Is there anyway to deal with them? Can anyone? All we can hope is to limit thier evil influences but not stop them and whatever happens they will think they have won. They seem to think that we are idiots for asking them to explain thier threats, and again they are trying to apply finacial pressure. Askign if we are going to pay for the hosue insurance etc.... god they are vermin.

Waited til the lad had been collected to tell wife. predictably she cried with rage and frustration, and she hasnt even read the email yet..... he are resolved to send the first email again, the one askign if they indeed did invite the creditors to sue us personaly, they never answer questions and im prety determined that they will start now.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Sent off the statements recorded delivery. Theres some confusion which i cant seem to comunicate to people, there tow good statements out there somewhere and not here!..i asked the wife to phone mutual friend last night and she gave me an agrument, so i desisted. I dont know whats going on anymore! Am i soposed to chase up these people i dont know? By telepathy? and Liburylady hasnt sent one, despite rageing about how important it was, why do people say they want to help then dont, usless buggers. Wehn it comes down to it you can see hwo people turned the other cheek when the jews were hauled off in Germany, cos it wasnt happening to them...

No comunication again. Did get a mystery card from the Postie, somethings at the sorting office, and needs £1.27 paying as its inadiquetly stamped. Now the only time this has happened before it was a crappy mail out from some estate agent. But i just could be "they" in full petulent mode, stuffing everything in an envelope with a first class stamp... im wondering if i can see the envelope before paying. I'll go see tommorow.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


This afternoon got a call from Mutual friend, dotty is there and wants to revise her statement, just cos shes thougth of new things (she is after all over 70)... ok we go thro it on phone. But i cant write it for her i say, it woudl look odd...anyroadup i zoom round with the statment. Dottys there and is going to write another one, substatialy the same. Ok fine, we are missing two vital ones tho... Mutual friend now says the Childcatcher is writeing her report on Friday!...oh great... And I have to send the statments to her.... first thing tommorow. Just been going thro this very blog and extracting quotes, trying to avoid the sweary and leary bits. Pretty upsetting reading back.

Oddly the other day Mutual friend seemd resolved to giveing the lad to his father. Now she seems to be two guns blazeing again..... we can only try.

This afternoon attended our lads Nativity play. He played a towns person didnt say anything just sung along. Amazeing how the girls seem natural showoffs and the boys just want to sink to the back of the stage. Amazeing too how freely both feel the need to scratch themsleves!.... The girls as angels were perticuly good, great costumes too.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Monday..well thats off the wall.

Humm phone clal late last night ment i couldnt sleep, eventuly going to bed at half one then up agian at five. Mutual friend said the lad returned form visit to fathers crying that he couldn't stay with dad, my first reaction which is very uncharitable is " ungreatfull little bastard"... but well its actuly undrestandable. He also said "daddys much nicer to me than you or mummy"... hummm... anyway Mutual friend did as i sugested and got the father alone and talked. He obviosly seeing things diferently from us and our friend. He genuinely had not a clue how bad his actions or lack of actions looks to everyone. Aparently he was on the point of tears at severil points. Anyroad Mutual friend is now thinking that a good relationship with him is something to build on, and that he wouldlmaybe be better off with dad. Tho' dad dont seem in anyway to have thought it through, he isnt even the joint tenant with his new girl friend, has no idea how much a child costs and hadnt thought about even collecting him from school!.... Apparently his low opinion of "them" is unchanged and isnt in legue with "them" as we suspected. Ok i said we would surport Mutual friend in whatever she decided, which is all we can do.

Went to she her just now and chatted about things. Last night she had phoned "them" and got all sorts of acusations and vague threats and a refusal to put anything in writeing, evil knows its on dodgy ground!...While i was ther she got a cal from Childcatcher, explained the new ideas, tho i had to leave to collect our lad before she finished on the phone.

Stil nothing from "them" to us.... he is there so thats very strange.

Still no emails maybe some huge wad of acusations will land tommorow... hes got enough sense not to put thinsg in writeing usualy (tho the mails to the Will soclicitor are pretty intemperate at times).. Its 8.30 now and im actuly feeling spaced out and wobbly with fatigue.

Sunday, December 11, 2005


Quiet day, shopping. makeing stuff with our son in the shed, trying to undersatnd his instructions for a "grabber"....

Im still expecting a solicitors letter maybe tommorow? maybe latter in the week, if "they" only got the letters friday/yesterday, im thinking hes off in America again, i know the mad sis is there but she dont move without him.... So either a raveing phone call, which i will hang up on, a raveing letter or a solicitors letter, is to be expected. Out of the options i gues a solicitors letter is the easiyest to deal with. Just send the evidence of double dealing.

Saturday, December 10, 2005


Nothing, no news on the front line.

Went sort of xmas shopping but got nothing, dropped in on Weezy, shes looking well but no further on in her serch for a computer. Trying to do soem work, makeing boxes anyway.. Brother phoned and asked if id had a letter from Dad. Apprently my younger brother has some Hell up with Sociel workers and his youngest step daughter, silly girls had a baby and social workers got their hooks into her, poor girl.

Friday, December 09, 2005


Just sending the "resverve power now" email we sent few days ago this time by letter. Just so they cant say they didnt get it. Im pretty dipressed about it all, vile people are doing vile things, to decent people and i can only be honest. I feel if i could lie like they do id get further, but i cant.

The lad is here now, with our son, wrecking the place, playing "Star Wars", which means runnign round stepping on things waveing a kitchen foil roll about, makeing shhhhh noises, its quite anoying.

i ment to say i got a letter from my dad yesterday, bemoning that we had drifted away etc. Which was nice, i m ok with knowing him better, as long as i dont need to know his bimbo new wife lol

Just had phone call from Dotty. Shes back in her tiny caravan, winter in a tiny caravan in a muddy field and shes over 70. I told her her statment was fine and dandy, didnt mention i can hardly read her handwriteing. She says her psycic friend (told you she was dotty) says if the lad goes to "them" for xmas, all was lost..... she may be right. But it seems set to happen.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Thursday. oh shit.

Dam, just had phone call from Mutual friend. She hadnt wanted to worry us but she wanted to tell us of the court meeting. Idiot judge gave the usless father full parental "responsibility" which would be a new thing for him indeed. Understandably Mutual friend is in dispare about this. She also phoned grandad, and asked if he was going to lie, and he is going to full out lie to the court about the fathers contact. As part of his mitigation for this he cited the fathers finacial responsibility as per his employer and a loan for a motorbike, so as mutual friend pointed out he was borrowing money for a bike but made no contirbultion for his child. mutual friend is now going to ask for some money regualrly for the lads care.... lets see how long he can manage that..dam dam....

And as for "them" aparently she sent an advent callender to Grandads house for the lad and he talked to her on the phone so one of them is around at least.
Life is shit, the awful people seem to have the upper hand all the time.

So looks like worst fears are comming true, our friends is beried in a place she didnt want (and her child paying for it) her child is going (probably) to someone she despised, and "they" have made it pretty certain that her beloved house she sacrficed so much for, has to be sold....

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Visited Fivemum this morning. Shes as usual harrased especialy as the middle lad is haveing a birthday and oddly they have another bloody hourse! This time a jet black cob mini shirehorse type thing. She is mad, talking about moveing to Ireland. Seemingly just because they had had a council tax bill and they dont have council tax in Ireland. Chatted to the farmer and his wife, his wifes got one blue eye and one brown, disconcerting till i noticed. They said they used three tanks of Oil to theat Fivemums house per winter (i think about £300 worth) no wonder the place is like an ice box with no heating! "Special" birthday tea was chips... they really live poor out there.

On return home a letter from the WIll solicitor, but only saying "they" didnt show up to the family court, so nothing can be resolved. Im wondering if they have gon on holiday and not told anyone, have some sort of crisis or walked under a buss... one can hope ah.

I'm pretty sure they are cooking up hell for us sometimes soon.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


No news, silence. Two statements came in. Gaylords, neat concise and typed and Dotty which i cant read, her handwriteing is exotic! im sure the wife will be able to decifer it.

Monday, December 05, 2005


Well "they" havent comunicated. No irate letters, no solicitors letter, nothing. Wife phoned solicitor, he rekons we have to send em a letter sugesting they "reserve power" so we look the resonable party (which we most definately are).... Wifes keen, im wondering if "they are actuly on holiday or something... they wer'nt at the Court meeting apparently... im sure this means something to i know not what.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Sunday. Speculation

Morning wandering round then visit to Godbotherer.

Thers been soem specultation withing the family, wel me and wife about whats going to happen next. Theres soem cross over legal things. Im frankly expecting a solicitors letter on Monday, demanding that we resign or reserve power. Which will no doubt be an interesting thing, because "they" will think the estate will pay for the action as we would if we do the same to them. How to tackle this? Wife is in favour of writing one of her rather elaborate letters and engageing the Will solicitor to fight it. I on the other hand think stave off engageing a solicitor for as long as posible (we cant aford to pay one certainly) And if "they" engage one, start to milk them for advice etc to "thier" cost. At present i am quite confident that we are in the right (and able to demonstrate that in writeing) That could all change of course!

The wife is looking woried all the time now, i keep trying to stop her worrying but her worry rather manifests itself as elaborate letter composition, in her head, i have to edit the real letters that go out!... My heart beats faster when i open the emails, or when the post arives but pretty much ive already "gon over the top" on this one. its only when reminded by them that i see it as combattion real humans onthe other end of emals or letters, mostly they are just a cypher for an all pervadeing evil i feel in humans.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Saturday. no news, it that good news?

no news, im sure "they" are cooking up a storm for us all, but as yet i am unaware of it, thus is the peace of the defender of a castle, we cant see them undermineing the towers. Well its a holiday for us. Out most of day with Mr lecture. Dinner out and got wife xmas pressie.

Recived fivemuns cheque in the post with profuse thanks. And another lacluster statement from Reddress, who now lives away but knew our friend from way back.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Friday. i can smell em.

Pretty sure "they" will have come down for the court meeting, no problem in thier big grey BMW Uber Chav car. I was hopeing for another blizard but its only raining at the moment. Poor Mutual friend is going. God that is going to be so hard, but maybe so sweet if "they" get humiliated in court. Humiliation of an enamy is soemthing that sounds sweet but in reality it isnt, tho its better to hear about it than witness.

The lad and our son are here, wrecking the place as usual. I can really see his mum in him, wilful and demanding. It was at the school i half expected "them" to be there, lurking, wanting at lest to take him out if not actuly snatch him away. My reaction would have been a straight NO and if they insisted a call to the police.

Thursday, December 01, 2005


Well, excaped for a bit to visit Wheezy and Mr Handy. Wheezy is still wanting a laptop to surf the net, unfortunately her last Friday experdition to PC World failed due to the snow chaos. She hopes to go this Saturday. Poor girl cant walk more than a few yards without getting breathless and when i went round her face was flushed from sleeping with the oxygen going. Mr Handy was again appaled by my stories of "them". Poor chap he really really is worn down by the world and its petty evils. Mrs Handys sort of adopted grandaughter is again haveing trouble with her loopy mum. The RSPCA has been round to tel her her dogs aret looked after properly as they are not and the hosue is filthy, smells like something died in there. The mum is nuts, genuinely, she took her daughters cards and spent all her money and has now been buying things in her mums name off her catalogue! Shes been up to big town danceing in the seedy night clubs too. She is far too old for that!

Wife phoned, shes talked to the Will solicitor. He says theres a court hearing tommorow which means "they" will be down. I rested the urge to change the locks on our friends house, but go round and retrive all the post. I have absolutely no desire to meet "them". Mutual friends solicitor and Will solicitor said he will try to get "them" to make a statement to the court as to thier intensions. The wife said that we needed a statement from "them" saying they either suport the Will or not. Combined solicitors think that is ok but the Will solicitor said to get him to look at the letter/email before sending and delay it till Monday, to see what happens. He also said he would look into just what route the mystery appearing Will (which definately wasnt released by him) took to the Childcatcher.... hardly wait ah! (the wifes makeing me answer the phone now, as she knows i will put it down if its "them" but she has a tendancy to try to reason with any nutter.)

This morning delivered a Statment request to Redlibrarian. She was happy to be asked, her daughter always a little strange has been haveing a battle with her new partners kids father who she said won parental rights even tho hes a drug dealer, voilent and sexualy abusive. Oh yes understandable shes now shacked up with another girl and they are aparently happy, haveing both gon gay lol...

Just got two staments in the post, one from a lady i dont know which is lucid and useful. the other from Fearful. Typicaly she will have agonised for days about writeing it, writen it severil times and still come out with something inefectual and pretty useless, adds to the weight i sopose.

Heres agood new word used by the Will solicitor to describe the activities of "them"... INTERMEDDLING..... great word.