"they" sent another email this is our reply...
"*th January
In replyto your last 2 e-mails:
Christmas is indeed a family time. The day before Christmas eve you sent us an e-mail demanding we answer a letter that arrived the same day as the e-mail.
We answered it on the 24th of December and did not chase you for a reply until the 4th of January.
We can understand your desire for secrecary, if we had acted as you appear to have acted we would want to keep it secret from the world too.
With respect to our contemporaneous notes , prefacing an attempt to intimitate with "it's not a threat" does it not make it any less an attempt to intimidate. (you might like to ask your secret legal adviser about this).
In point of fact we did not ask you if it was a threat. The question was ,and remains, if you did not mean that you were going to invite the creditors to sue us, then a, what did you mean? & b, why did you not correct that impression?
When you say you did what you said you would does this mean that yes you have invited them to sue us? As that is quite clearly what we believe you meant. Is that why you won't send us copies of the letters to the creditors?
(Will scolicitor) are not charging the estate anything for the legal advice on the probate. They gave us both the same legal advice about the problem with your appearing to fight the will as they were trying to prevent a situation where we would have to ask for your removal. Did you not read the letter they sent advising there was a problem if the will was released?
You do not have to share your legal advice with us. But if you want somebody to act on it then saying that you have Better legal advice from a higher source than our advice, so we'd better do as you say is not a convincing argument.
You not only refused to share the advice, but you refused to tell us where it was from so that we could go and ask whoever it was ourselves.
The only intransigence appears to be your own seeming refusal to provide us with full information on which we can act.
The problem that has been holding us up since November is that you appear to be fighting part of (our friends) will and refuse to say that you support it and believe the will to be safe.
Once again, we've asked for perfectly normal information and you have taken it as an accusation about your honesty.
Why don't you want to send us copies of anything? What do you think we are going to do with them?
As for keeping us fully informed, we haven't seen any mortgage documentation or mortgage insurance documentation. When we asked in August you ignored the e-mail, which we didn't pursue at the time as we didn't want to put you under anymore strain. When we asked again just before you came down with the probate forms you accused us of making accusations against your honesty. Until you came down we didn't know you'd filled any forms in.
As to our signatures meaning nothing, we signed that form when we trusted you. A situation that has changed.
As for the ball being in our court. The resolution of this problem has been in your hands all along. The only thing required from you to resolve the matter was that you came out in full support of all of (our friends) will. The only reason we refused to release the will was that you appeared to be fighting part of the will and if we went to probate whilst that was happening then we would be obliged to ask for your removal.
As we said before, family court is not the problem. Your alleged actions are the problem. (family court) haven't informed us of the court hearing outcome.
Your e-mail of 13th January.
You ask what is so difficult about arranging insurance. You of course have copies of all the necessary documentation, that may be why you found it so easy. (I) contacted 3 diiferent companies and was informed that he needed mortgage details and details of who it was insured with last. Information that you seem intent on keeping secret from us.
As for the 4 main aspects of the will as listed by yourself
You include as point 2
2. That (mutual friends) be appointed guardians.
So we all agree that the guardianship is part of the will.
As executors we are bound to uphold all the clauses of the will and not just the ones we like. Yet we have a letter from (childcatcher) saying that you believe the will to be unsafe and that you support (drunken father)'s application.
That is why we have been refusing to release the will.
A situation you could have resolved at anytime just by writing a statement of support for the will.
Your point 3
That the executors sort out the estate and pay all proper debts, funeral expenses testamentary expenses and tax.
You say that we have held it up and that our excuses have changed.
We have held it up initially because you appointed the same solictor as (drunken father) and we were told this would mean that we would have to ask for your removal if we went forward to probate. At great expense to the estate and distress for (MRs Them). We explained that at the time. You had a letter from (Will solicitor) giving you the same advice on the matter.
You refused to appoint another solicitor, in your phone call you said you would not back down. And we said that unless the legal advice changed we could not release the will. (this is the call were you told us you had better legal advice, but would not share it) Then we got a copy of the letter from (childcatcher).
Which we immediately e-mailed you about.
And we tried to make it clear that we were open to an alternative explanation from yourselves.
We suggested that you reserve power so probate could go forward and you would be able to rejoin once the matter was sorted out. You refused.
We asked you to issue a statement that you supported the will, so we could all four apply for probate. You haven't done that. You have completely ignored the suggestion.
Our "deliberate prevention" (as you call it) of the probate process is because our understanding is that if we go to probate whilst you are fighting the will we will be obliged to ask for you to be removed.
Whilst the prospect of having to deal with "the full force" of your familly is indeed daunting we have made promises to (our friend) that we would support her wishes and we intend to keep them.
As you are no doubt aware we are not allowed to see the court report. But we are allowed to see the court ruling . We are waiting for a copy from (childcatcher). We will let you know as soon as we have it. Or to speed it up, maybe you could forward a copy of yours, as we are told the court doesn't move very fast.
In the meantime
We are informed that we require copies of full supporting documentation for the probate form.
This is not an accusation. We are told that we shouldn't have signed without having them. And in order to protect all four of us, not just ourselves, against any problems that might arise in the future we should get them. We are told that if we don't get them, and an error (and we do just mean an error) comes to light at some future date then it could cause you problems. "
thats a draft, we want to run it past Mr handy tommorow. See how much troubel it'll get us into.
Im fucking stressed, cant think cant do anything useful, i feel sick. i am resolved to resign if its posible. I cant live like this.
My mouth is dry my eyes are unfocused, i feel sick, tierd and shakey. How can we deal with such bastards? This is how you get where "they" have got, bullying, intimidation and fear, no wonder Our Friend said she would rather her son was bought up in a childrens home than by them. So esentialy "they " have won, if anyone thinks that in UK nazie's woudl never have florished look at this story, these people, i can just see in a black uniform loading peopel onto ta death bound train ticking them off as they load, saying "Its Nothing personal"